20th World Congress of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology

20th World Congress of Basic  
 and Clinical Pharmacology 2026  


Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

WCP2026 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Guidance

WCP2026 actively values and respects the diversity of the global pharmacology community: The WCP2026 organising committee recognizes the diversity and inclusivity within the global pharmacology community is a strength. 

To promote equity of opportunity for all members/participants, WCP2026 requires committee members and participants to adopt a broad understanding of diversity and viewpoints e.g. cultural and geographic differences, professional background, expertise, gender, sexual orientation and career stage. 

The principles of equity, diversity and inclusion will be actively considered in developing scientific and social aspects of the WCP2026 program. Please read the Society’s EDI statement for more information and full definitions.

  • WCP2026 organising committee, and subcommittees thereof, aspire to be balanced and representative of the diverse global pharmacology community.
  • WCP2026 organising committee will actively review content and demographics across entire meeting content to ensure EDI goals and principles are adhered to.
  • For all scientific sessions ie invited plenaries/keynotes, symposia, workshops and satellite meetings, speakers will be representative of the diverse global pharmacological community, e.g. no more than 60% of any gender.
  • WCP2026 will collect and report on EDI metrics as we develop the program and hold the conferenceAll program submissions will require an EDI statement.

WCP2026 Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Guidance

Guidance for scientific and meeting program development:

For reference:

IUPHAR policies:

  • Aims and functions of IUPHAR include:
    1) to foster international cooperation in pharmacology,
    2) helping in all ways the development of pharmacology throughout the world, and
    3) encouraging international cooperation and free exchange of scientists and of ideas in research.
  • IUPHAR 2021-2024 strategic plan:
      Generativity (ECRs)
      Inclusivity (EDI)
      Accessibility (resource-limited countries)

ASCEPT EDI policy includes the following relevant objectives:

  1. make equity, diversity and inclusion a central part of our programs and events;
  2. support and empower our members to be able to do their best and bring their whole selves to their engagement in our field;
  3. support and empower a diversity of researchers, professionals, stakeholders and affiliates to participate fully in our events, publications and programs;
  4. ensure that all members have equal access to opportunities available through ASCEPT’s initiatives and are equitably rewarded and recognised for their contributions;
  5. lead by example, so that our members, collaborators, and other organisations within our sector can see the tangible benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion.

In terms of governance and leadership, ASCEPT commits to:

  1. ensure equity, diversity and inclusion are maintained across society activities;
  2. actively promote equity, diversity and inclusion;
  3. actively address and avoid discrimination and unconscious bias to create a culture of equity and diversity.

In terms of prizes, awards, meetings, events, ASCEPT commits:

  • promote balance and belonging by actively seeking to include and celebrate a diverse range of faces, voices and perspectives in our prizes, awards, publications, meetings, and events;
  • actively seek diverse candidates for awards or speaking opportunities and encourage them to apply, nominate them or mentor them;
  • review keynote, symposia and oral presentation submissions, including speakers and chairs, to ensure equity and to address areas of inequity;
  • actively seek diverse candidates for awards or speaking opportunities and encourage them to apply, nominate them or mentor them.
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